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× Longsword: Expert Library Pack 
$9.00 USD / month
$9.00 USD / month

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Subtotal $9.00 USD
Total $9.00 USD
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Subtotal $9.00 USD / month
Recurring total $9.00 USD / month
First renewal: May 23, 2024

Todd E

I highly recommend this Instructor Intensive to anyone who wishes to gain a deeper understanding of the technical side of our art, and to anyone who wishes to learn how to learn (or how to teach) martial arts more effectively. It is a lot of good information and practice delivered in a welcoming environment full of integrity and martial authenticity. “Intensive” is an apt word in the course’s title.

Thomas B

I’m absolutely surprised by the amount of material that was covered, by how much I improved in 5 days, and by the amount of the information my brain retained. The intensive was very well thought out, professional, and quickly gave you a feeling of belonging. I would definitely recommend it to anyone at any skill level. Why? A full week of nothing but focus on swordplay.