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× DTV Subscription - Scholars Club $29/mo
$29.00 USD / month
$29.00 USD / month

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Subtotal $29.00 USD
Total $29.00 USD
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Subtotal $29.00 USD / month
Recurring total $29.00 USD / month
First renewal: May 24, 2024

Robine A

Devon’s approach to learning and teaching really opened my eyes to the gaps in my own approach to swordplay. I am much more confident in my ability to learn and pass on my experience to my fellow practitioners.

Tracey N

At 54 I thought I might have trouble completing and was pleasantly surprised to find my edge. The experienced instructor was able to help me keep going and complete this incredible course. This is by far the best experience I have had with many years of Rapier and plan to continue training so I may inspire more women to partake in their dream to fight with a sword.