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× DTV Subscription - Masters Club 
$49.00 USD / month
$49.00 USD / month

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Subtotal $49.00 USD
Total $49.00 USD
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Subtotal $49.00 USD / month
Recurring total $49.00 USD / month
First renewal: May 19, 2024

Peter E

The Instructor Intensive was an amazing experience. It gave me the opportunity to hone my skills and learn a new weapon, all the while teaching me both the ideas behind how we learn martial skills and how I can further my own training. I highly recommend it to anyone who wishes to not only learn the art, but learn how to make themselves better at the art.

Kate J

Academie Duello’s instructor intensive gives a glimpse into a well-established, highly developed curriculum of swordplay as a martial art. I learned systematic learning and teaching techniques that will provide me and my study group with a path to continuous improvement as martial artists. The best part about it was spending a week at such an amazing, passionate and welcoming school.