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× DTV Subscription - Scholars Club (Legacy) 
$29.00 USD / month
$29.00 USD / month

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Subtotal $29.00 USD
Total $29.00 USD
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Subtotal $29.00 USD / month
Recurring total $29.00 USD / month
First renewal: May 26, 2024

Ben C

This intensive helps me see the connective tissue between so many of the individual techniques I had observed and learned. There is no better on-the-spot place to get this knowledge, and it is invaluable to my sword training going forward. This is without even mentioning the lessons in training methodology, which are cutting edge in terms of adult learning – applicable across a wide field indeed.

Jeffrey M

Swordplay Masterclass has given me a new level of understanding of not only swordsmanship but the skills needed to enhance any type of training I undertake.