Approaching Giocco Largo (Longsword Apprentice)
Making Your Opponent Dance with Offensive Provocations (Longsword Scholar)
In this series we'll be using offensive provocations in gioco largo (and some in gioco stretto) to force the opponent into pr…
Flow is key with Longsword
Achieving a sense of flow with your sword creates consistency, great for solo practice, makes it easier for your body to reme…
Inviting the Opponent to Dance (Longsword Scholar)
In this series we'll explore how to lure a timid opponent into the fight and how to cue an aggressive opponent to attack righ…
Receiving Gioco Largo (Longsword Apprentice)
Fundamentals of Attack & Defense with Longsword
The longsword, a beautiful piece of historical weaponry. But the question is, how well can you move with it? In this series, …