Longsword vs Two-Sword

Taking on two-swords with a single longsword. Learn to maximize leverage, reach, and position.

How do you take on someone wielding two weapons with only one?

This series is an excellent opportunity to explore strategic and tactical approaches for longsword practitioners. Topics will include:

  • Safely approaching an opponent
  • Sizing up adversaries
  • Creating secure cover positions against two swords
  • Using the longsword’s length and leverage to your advantage
  • Binding and controlling multiple weapons
  • Safe versus unsafe deceptions, and more

Acknowledgement of Safety and Risk

  1. Practice all exercises slowly and with control.
  2. Practice using training swords that are not sharp and are specifically made for practice.
  3. Use protective gear for all exercises. In many of our videos we are not wearing head, throat or body protection in order to make clear explanation more possible. You should always use protective gear when practicing these arts regardless of the exercise.
  4. Be aware that injuries in training are always possible. Ensure that you are practicing with care and caution at all times.
  5. DuelloTV is not responsible for any injuries that occur as a result of sword practice inspired from our videos.

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About Instructor

Devon Boorman

117 Courses

+34 enrolled
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 4 Lessons
  • 4 Topics