Eat the Book: A Process for Understanding Historical Sources

Historical European Martial Arts come from a rich historical tradition that includes a wealth of instructional books written from within the period where those arts were most actively practiced. Picking up an ancient fighting manual is by no means necessary to learn, practice, and enjoy these martial arts, but doing so can offer a significant richness to that practice.

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MayForFree: don’t pay until June

A special offer for a whole month of free access to everything DTV has to offer! Sign up for a Scholars or Masters Club subscription between May 1-7 and you won’t pay until June. This is a monthly subscription that packs tons of great content, including:

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What is part of Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA)?

HEMA is a broad term that includes potentially thousands of martial arts, disciplines, and practices. I thought it would be interesting to break down the term and some of what is potentially included within it.

Free Access to Duello.TV Ends at 11:59 pm PST

I don’t want to overburden anyone’s inbox, I just want to make sure that no one accidentally misses this chance.

In a few short hours we’ll be ending our one month free promotion for Duello.TV. This is a repository of my life’s work (to this point—we keep adding to it!) in Historical European Martial Arts. I have travelled around the world studying, competing, and teaching. I’ve taught well over 10,000 students and have helped hundreds of newcomers become experts.

What you’ll get access to is the most mature and developed resource you can find anywhere for pursuing mastery of HEMA, and we are still adding to it every month.

Click here to sign-up for a free month of Masters Club.

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