Everyday Practice and Everyday Martial Arts

Finding time enough in our busy lives for quality martial arts practice can be difficult. One thing that has helped me is recognizing there are many moments in life where I can give a little attention to my martial arts, and that giving many small moments to martial arts can be very impactful as a whole.

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Why Do Martial Arts

I am often asked why people practice martial arts or why I practice swordplay specifically – considering it’s unlikely that I’ll be in a life-and-death sword fight anytime soon. The fulfillment I get from martial arts is both richer and deeper than a simple practical outcome.

Free Access to Duello.TV Ends at 11:59 pm PST

I don’t want to overburden anyone’s inbox, I just want to make sure that no one accidentally misses this chance.

In a few short hours we’ll be ending our one month free promotion for Duello.TV. This is a repository of my life’s work (to this point—we keep adding to it!) in Historical European Martial Arts. I have travelled around the world studying, competing, and teaching. I’ve taught well over 10,000 students and have helped hundreds of newcomers become experts.

What you’ll get access to is the most mature and developed resource you can find anywhere for pursuing mastery of HEMA, and we are still adding to it every month.

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