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Excited about Historical European Martial Arts?
We’ll make you an expert!

 Watch Now: The Pursuit of Mastery

Who We Are

Devon Boorman

Devon BoormanDevon is a world renowned international instructor and competitor of Historical European Martial Arts. He has been practicing and teaching martial arts for more than 30 years. He is the author of one book and two DVDs on Italian Rapier and Longsword; and he is the Director and Master Instructor of Academie Duello Centre for Swordplay in Vancouver, BC, the largest centre for the practice of European Martial Arts in the world.

Greg Reimer

Greg ReimerGreg Reimer has been studying Italian martial arts since 2006, and has taught over 5,500 hours to students in unarmed, dagger, rapier (and secondaries), sidesword & buckler, longsword, pole weapons and mounted combat. He has travelled across Western Canada and into Washington State to meet, teach and enjoy sparring with other sword fighters.

 TEDxEastVan: Swordplay and the Lost Art of Knighthood

Academie Duello

Academie Duello Centre for Swordplay is the largest centre for the practice of European Martial Arts in the world.

Over the past 15 years more than 10,000 students have taken courses at Academie Duello and many of those students have gone on to form satellite schools and study groups in cities all over the world.
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Academie Duello has one of the most complete and expertly constructed swordplay curriculums in the world providing a proven program that takes students from beginners to masters.


Devon and Greg have delivered a program second to none! I highly recommend the Masterclass for any martial artist looking to expand their knowledge of all weapons, along with the development of proper mindset to be able to achieve one goals on their personal journey toward Mastery.

Devon Boorman is a leading practitioner and teacher of medieval and Renaissance martial arts. We’ve fought at various weapons and have had many in-depth discussions of our arts and the sources we study. Every interaction has been productive and educational, and each time I’ve come away knowing more than I knew before, and gained insights into the practice of our arts.

Sean Hayes
Northwest Fencing Academy

From my few days as an online student I have to admit DuelloTV is a truly impressive database of knowledge and instruction. The revision quiz and practice pages are an additional study aid and prompt to action in forming well structured lesson plans and clear outcomes . I intend to stay a student here till I have achieved my goals in Swordsmanship.

A+ would do 50 hours of swords again

Duello is more than a place that people come to study martial arts—it is a place where folks from all walks of life and all ages come to make themselves healthier in body and mind.

Gregory Mele
Head Instructor and Co-Founder, Chicago Swordplay Guild

I enjoy the fact I always seem to be improving on what I just learnt; I find it is the challenge of perfecting the curriculum that keeps me coming back, plus I find that I am learning something new every class.

Marli V.

For the Beginner

We offer progressive, structured, step-by-step instruction in the graceful rapier, powerful longsword, knife, grappling, poleweapons, and more.

  Longsword: cutting down from the right

  Rapier: learn the mechanics of a lunge

  Sidesword: marking parries against cuts

Learn more about the weapons and disciplines of HEMA

Get started on your journey with our FREE Longsword or Rapier quick-start courses

Get startedStart on the path to mastery with our Longsword and Rapier Fundamentals courses. Purchase a monthly Subscription or lifetime-access Course Pack

For the Expert

We'll help you become a practitioner who can put theory into practice and practice into theory.

From Beginner to Master. Wherever you are in your journey, we'll help you develop an enviable level of expertise and ability through rigorous programs that help you develop your dominance while giving you a rich and explicit understanding of the art.

Our Focus is Martial Art. Combative dominance comes through complete martial understanding. We'll teach you how to move and fight effectively, create training plans, build physical ability, and tactically own your opponents.

  Advanced Longsword: countering high guards (9:01)

  Advanced Sidesword: feint provocations (8:21)

  Advanced Rapier: using forte guards (13:14)

You'll learn not just how to master one discipline but how to master a complete martial art that includes two-handed and single handed swords, polearms, grappling, dagger, knife, and armoured combat.

Course Progression from Apprentice to Master

Weapons: Rapier or Longsword. Principles: foundational vocabulary and techniques. This material will pave the way for long-term study and set you on the path to Mastery.

Weapons: Rapier and Unarmed -OR- Longsword and Unarmed. Principles: Familiar with body mechanics, distance, and control. Achievement: the Apprentice level comes with the completion of the test at the end of one of our two primary beginner programs.

Weapons: Rapier, Rapier and Dagger, Sidesword, and Unarmed -OR- Longsword and Half-swording, Sidesword, and Unarmed. Principles: Angle, line, cutting mechanics, timing and proportion. Achievement: students progress from Apprentice to Scholar in 9-24 months of training.

Weapons: Rapier and Secondaries, Sidesword and Secondaries, Longsword, Polearms, Dagger, and Unarmed. Principles: Timing, tempo, power generation, strategy, and tactics. Achievement: average, students progress from Scholar to Free Scholar in 1.5-3 years of training.

  • Martial Prowess Trial
  • Historical Research Trial
  • Community Contribution Trial
Weapons: Rapier, Rapier Secondaries, Sidesword, Longsword, Polearms, Dagger, and Unarmed. Principles: Centres and tempo. Provosts are expected to be highly proficient in the system of arms, able to diversely apply its principles, and be able to challenge its implementation to build and grow the art. Achievement: under the guidance of the Supervising Master, a Provost completes a series of trials in the areas of research, teaching, and martial prowess to achieve their Master level.

Continue Your Journey of Excellence
Masterful in the application of the system of arms. Able to proficiently apply their skills across all disciplines armed and unarmed. Able to pass the art on to others at a high level and to innovate and grow its practice at Academie Duello and for the Italian Martial Arts community as a whole.

Values and the Mastery Program

  Watch Now: Our Arts & Values

  Watch Now: What is Mastery?

Get startedStart on the path to mastery with our Longsword and Rapier Fundamentals courses. Purchase a monthly Subscription or lifetime-access Course Pack