Online Swordplay Courses are Coming

Greetings everyone! We have been working hard on exciting new additions to Duello.TV. Our goal is to make the site an even more effective resource for learning swordplay for the first time or honing existing skills. Our existing content is very thorough and we are constantly improving it, adding to it, and keeping it up to date (we have more than 400 video lessons now online). However for many newer practitioners the quantity of information and required knowledge for each video can be overwhelming.
So we are hard at work on creating online swordplay courses. Courses break up the content in our longer video lessons into smaller topics. Each topic includes a video lesson, a quiz (to aid in retention), short-term and long-term practice guidance, and areas to ask questions and get specific help from us and our community.
The courses are progressive, so each skill builds on the other and allows you a much clearer path for learning how to fence and progress in this beautiful art. Do the lessons on your own or with a partner, or simply browse through the content and use your existing knowledge to answer the quizzes.
If you have comments or questions regarding specific lesson videos, quizzes, or practice content, you’ll be able post it into the comment box for that specific area. Feel free to ask actual technical questions (meaning really take the course and see how it works) or simply give us feedback on ways we could improve that section.
We have a group of beta testers involved in our first course offerings for the Rapier, so we can garner as much feedback and improvement before releasing them to the public. We are working on the first offering for longsword as well (based on absolutely brand new content) and have begun work on our level 2 content for rapier and longsword. The feedback you give us will help us shape these offerings.
Not a part of the beta group? No problem, you can access the free Swordplay Sampler Course here. We want to hear from you, so hop in and tell us what you think.
Devon & Greg