the path to mastery

The DuelloTV mastery program follows a ranking system. Ranks allow a student to set goals, understand their progress, and learn new skills in a structured and efficient fashion. Progression through ranks is done through online course work, video self-assessments (and coming in 2019: online assessments with instructor grading), and public in-person examination for major levels. We foster a highly supportive environment and students are encouraged to move at their own pace.

Like many eastern martial arts schools we have a series of levels represented by colours and traditional names from historical European martial tradition. There are two entry points: one begins with the medieval longsword, the other with the renaissance rapier.

Movement through our 5 levels is a 7- to 15-year journey depending on the intensity of your study. Click on any course name below to view the course description and begin study (some Scholar and Free Scholar courses still under construction).

Weapons: Rapier or Longsword. Principles: foundational vocabulary and techniques. This material will pave the way for long-term study and set you on the path to Mastery.

Weapons: Rapier and Unarmed -OR- Longsword and Unarmed. Principles: Familiar with body mechanics, distance, and control. Achievement: the Apprentice level comes with the completion of the test at the end of one of our two primary beginner programs.

Weapons: Rapier, Rapier and Dagger, Sidesword, and Unarmed -OR- Longsword and Half-swording, Sidesword, and Unarmed. Principles: Angle, line, cutting mechanics, timing and proportion. Achievement: students progress from Apprentice to Scholar in 9-24 months of training.

Weapons: Rapier and Secondaries, Sidesword and Secondaries, Longsword, Polearms, Dagger, and Unarmed. Principles: Timing, tempo, power generation, strategy, and tactics. Achievement: average, students progress from Scholar to Free Scholar in 1.5-3 years of training.

  • Martial Prowess Trial
  • Historical Research Trial
  • Community Contribution Trial
Weapons: Rapier, Rapier Secondaries, Sidesword, Longsword, Polearms, Dagger, and Unarmed. Principles: Centres and tempo. Provosts are expected to be highly proficient in the system of arms, able to diversely apply its principles, and be able to challenge its implementation to build and grow the art. Achievement: under the guidance of the Supervising Master, a Provost completes a series of trials in the areas of research, teaching, and martial prowess to achieve their Master level.

Continue Your Journey of Excellence
Masterful in the application of the system of arms. Able to proficiently apply their skills across all disciplines armed and unarmed. Able to pass the art on to others at a high level and to innovate and grow its practice at Academie Duello and for the Italian Martial Arts community as a whole.

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