Bonus Lessons for Members

Visit the Subscriber Bonus Lessons for a complete list of bonus videos.

Two-Swords: Thrusting in Guarda d’Intrare

Two-Sword Cut & Thrust Pattern

Two Sword Exercise: Supporting & Cutting

A Tactical Breakdown of Marozzo’s First Assault – Part 5

The fifth part of this assault strongly features the stramazzone, using it in a variety of ways

Rapier: Four Stramazzone & Thrust

Longsword: Stramazzone Four Cuts

Scanatura with Sword & Buckler

A mini-lesson on the spiralling transport known as the “scanatura”. Learn how to use the scanatura to strike high after a low parry or capture and transport an opponent when they try to thrust around your defense.
This content is only available to members. Sign up for FREE or LOG IN HERE.