1. Cuts and Thrusts
2. Collecting the Cut
3. Disengaging the Cut
4. Strammazzone and Ribbon Cut
5. Considerations of Posta Breve
1. 12-Poste Progression, Left Facing
2. Rear Facing
3. Front Facing
Posta Breve & Longa, Poste Progression
This month we focus on the 12 poste progression and the formation and use of the primary poste.
Practice the 12 poste progression – 15 to 20 minutes
- Focus on memorization first.
- Then, formation of the poste
- Inspect poste from the ground up: foot position, knees, hips, shoulders, arm configuration, hands and connection to sword.
- Posta Breve & Longa Formation and review of purpose – 5 minutes
Cutting the 6 cuts from breve and longa – 10 minutes
- Focus on the stramazone mechanic
Collecting from Breve and Longa – 10 minutes
- Start in longa and then look at how you can do the same from breve.