Forms & Guards with Longsword

This series of lessons builds from the fundamentals lessons to expand your offensive and defensive repertoire from the four quadrant guards and those that present the point. 

Prerequisite: This course assumes the knowledge of the three Longsword Fundamentals courses.

Posta Longa & Breve: If you only learn one guard, learn this one. In this lesson you’ll learn how to maximize and maintain the threat of this guard, defend against powerful blows through collection, and how to return quickly and easily to the center when your sword is knocked away.

Posta di Donna: You’ll learn various ways of forming posta di donna on the right and left, how to deliver all of the blows as well as how to defend against attacks from every direction from one of the most powerful and versatile of the guards.

Porta di Ferro: One of the most powerful defensive guards, learn how to deal with attacks from all directions and how to maximize your offensive options even when the sword is held low.

Dente al Cinghiara: With the tip held forward, this guard make a very fast and powerful rising thrust. It also defends powerfully through deflections and collections. We’ll also explore the secret of the counter-thrust from this guard which is one of the most subtle and devastating in the system.

Twelve Poste Progression: The 1410 Fiore manual describes twelve positions with the sword in two hands. At Academie Duello we have mixed these twelve postures with a bit of footwork to make a cycle of form and movement useful for practice and memorization.

Acknowledgement of Safety and Risk

  1. Practice all exercises slowly and with control.
  2. Practice using training swords that are not sharp and are specifically made for practice.
  3. Use protective gear for all exercises. In many of our videos we are not wearing head, throat or body protection in order to make clear explanation more possible. You should always use protective gear when practicing these arts regardless of the exercise.
  4. Be aware that injuries in training are always possible. Ensure that you are practicing with care and caution at all times.
  5. DuelloTV is not responsible for any injuries that occur as a result of sword practice inspired from our videos.

About Instructor

Devon Boorman

117 Courses

+344 enrolled
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 5 Lessons
  • 16 Topics