Last Chance to Get Duello.TV for Free

This is your last day to get a free month of the Scholars Club or Masters Club! There’s no obligation to continue, so there’s nothing to lose. The offer ends at midnight—get in before it expires.

What you’ll get is access to over 400 video lessons (45+ hours of teaching) in the Video Library, 8 online courses, and a repository of excellent training blog articles that has come from more than 20 years of experience as a practitioner and teacher of Historical European Martial Arts.

Click here to sign-up for a free month of Masters Club.

Newcomers will gain the benefits of

  • Healthy and effective body mechanics
  • A structured approach that teaches you not just how, but why
  • Drills to help you get better fast
  • Practical training advice
  • Interactive support to help you get and stay motivated

Experienced practitioners will benefit from

  • High level refinement of technique
  • Advanced drills and training advice
  • Exercises to bridge from drill to combat
  • Structured programs for learning and teaching

Click here to sign-up for a free month of Masters Club.

We hope that you’ll start on the journey of mastery with us!

Devon & Greg

P.S. We will be piloting a new livestream service this month for subscribers that will give you a chance to get in-person advice from us and others in the community. We’re eager to find new ways to help your training be even better.

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Free Access to Duello.TV Ends at 11:59 pm PST

I don’t want to overburden anyone’s inbox, I just want to make sure that no one accidentally misses this chance.

In a few short hours we’ll be ending our one month free promotion for Duello.TV. This is a repository of my life’s work (to this point—we keep adding to it!) in Historical European Martial Arts. I have travelled around the world studying, competing, and teaching. I’ve taught well over 10,000 students and have helped hundreds of newcomers become experts.

What you’ll get access to is the most mature and developed resource you can find anywhere for pursuing mastery of HEMA, and we are still adding to it every month.

Click here to sign-up for a free month of Masters Club.

Best regards,

Free Month of Full Access + Rapier Strategy Lesson

Hi all,

Devon here. The first weapon I started with in HEMA, 23 years ago, was the rapier. The speed, precision, and chess-game of it—along with a bit of musketeer fantasy—really captured me. It is a discipline I feel is highly under-represented and often misunderstood in the HEMA community of today, even though it was arguably the seed of our modern resurgence. It is also one of the best teachers of combative efficiency, timing, and distance.

I believe the journey of mastery is best pursued across disciplines. Each weapon has unique lessons to share with us as martial artists, fighters, and teachers. This is a model we see in the manuals of the old masters and we’ve sought to preserve it on Duello.TV.

This video lesson on Stringere and Constraint is one of the most notable lessons I learned from my pursuit of the rapier and has become a central model for combative strategy and tactics across all the weapons I teach. I hope you enjoy it and get some insight from it as a teacher and practitioner.

[tubepress video=”JFXd1iqYbuw” length=”false” showRelated=”false” description=”false”]
More videos on this topic here.

Join Us and Learn More

We have had a tremendous response to our offer this week. I’m excited to be able to share this journey with so many more people.

I hope that you’ll join us this month in our Scholars Club and Masters Club. For 3 more days we are offering an introductory month of Full Access for free with no obligation afterward. I hope you’ll take the time to explore the over 400 video lessons on the site as well as our new Fundamentals Courses, and hundreds of training advice articles.

Get your Free month of Masters Club access here with the coupon “1FREEMONTH” and help us spread the word:

Offer ends on November 4th at 11:59pm Pacific Time.

Please feel free to get in touch with any questions or comments you may have.

Enjoy your practice!

Devon & Greg

Free Month of Full Access + Longsword Strategy Lesson

Greetings everyone! Our free one month special on Duello.TV Scholars Club and Masters Club subscriptions is on until Friday, November 4th.

Don’t miss out on your chance to get full-access to our new three-part Longsword Fundamentals and Rapier Fundamentals courses plus over 400 video lessons (45+ hours) on beginner to expert topics across all weapon disciplines.

One of the areas that we’ve recently expanded is our topics on Longsword strategy. The lesson I’ve included below gives a systematic approach to how to attack an opponent based on where they are holding their sword and how to counter their forced response. Check it out:

Mastery takes an understanding of not just technique but the theory, principles, and practice behind them. Our goal is to give you the tools to be able to learn a technique, bring it into your own combative swordplay, and be able to pass it on to others in a way that makes sense.

For this month (November 2016) we have produced all new video lessons on longsword defence and effective counter-attacks, as well as advanced rapier strategy for defeating different kinds of opponents. We’re releasing a new video in this series on a weekly basis, and at the end of the month they’ll all be available in their Video Library playlist.

Get your Free month of Masters Club all-access here:

We hope you’ll check out everything we have to offer. Please let us know if you have any questions or comments.

Devon & Greg