Next Round of Beta Courses is Live

Hi all! We’re back with a mid-month update on the new developments at DTV. Work is progressing fast and furious. We’ve spent the last many months at work behind the scenes, and the fruits are now coming into view.

rapier-offhand-apprenticeThe Apprentice (Green Cord) offhand material has been fully refreshed and updated to reflect a more direct and systematic approach we’re using at the Vancouver Salle. We hope you’ll get a lot out of it. Your approach to the use of the offhand should be greatly enhance by going through this material carefully and repeatedly. Don’t forget to send us a comment or email and tell us what you think of it.

New Swordplay Beta Courses

The two remaining courses in Rapier Fundamentals are now available to all beta testers.

1. Rapier Fundamentals II: Movement, Control & Recovery (RAP-055)

2. Rapier Fundamentals III: Tempo & Combat (RAP-060)

As you may already know, Rapier Fundamentals I was brought out for testing at the beginning of the month. If you haven’t had a chance to try these out, please avail yourself to some great learning resources. Watch the video, answer the quiz, work through the practice notes, and leave us comments on how we may improve the experience. If you have a question about a particular technique, we are completely available to help answer it and assist in your education. Take this opportunity to learn!

These courses are geared to beginners, but I believe one can never drill the basics too many times. Fundamentals are always useful!

Try Them Out Today

You can access the courses here. Scroll down to where you see the Rapier Fundamentals courses, and the button “Add to My Courses”. After the page refreshes you should see the course in the My Courses list there and on the My Account page. (There’s about a 30-second delay between the time you add the course and the time it appears in your courses list. We’re working on eliminating this delay. Thanks.)

Feel free to follow along and do the lessons on your own or with a partner, or simply browse through the content and use your existing knowledge to answer the quizzes.

Your Feedback is Needed to Make it Better

If you have comments or questions regarding specific lesson videos, quizzes, or practice content, please post it into the comment box for that specific area. Feel free to ask actual technical questions (meaning really take the course and see how it works) or simply give us feedback on ways we could improve that section.

We are working on the first offering for longsword as well (based on absolutely brand new content) and have also begun work on our level 2 content for rapier and longsword. The feedback you give us now will help us shape these offerings.

Hop in and let us know what you think! We’re eager to hear from you.

Devon & Greg

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Online Swordplay Courses are Coming

swordplay coursesGreetings everyone! We have been working hard on exciting new additions to Duello.TV. Our goal is to make the site an even more effective resource for learning swordplay for the first time or honing existing skills. Our existing content is very thorough and we are constantly improving it, adding to it, and keeping it up to date (we have more than 400 video lessons now online). However for many newer practitioners the quantity of information and required knowledge for each video can be overwhelming.

So we are hard at work on creating online swordplay courses. Courses break up the content in our longer video lessons into smaller topics. Each topic includes a video lesson, a quiz (to aid in retention), short-term and long-term practice guidance, and areas to ask questions and get specific help from us and our community.

The courses are progressive, so each skill builds on the other and allows you a much clearer path for learning how to fence and progress in this beautiful art. Do the lessons on your own or with a partner, or simply browse through the content and use your existing knowledge to answer the quizzes.

If you have comments or questions regarding specific lesson videos, quizzes, or practice content, you’ll be able post it into the comment box for that specific area. Feel free to ask actual technical questions (meaning really take the course and see how it works) or simply give us feedback on ways we could improve that section.

We have a group of beta testers involved in our first course offerings for the Rapier, so we can garner as much feedback and improvement before releasing them to the public. We are working on the first offering for longsword as well (based on absolutely brand new content) and have begun work on our level 2 content for rapier and longsword. The feedback you give us will help us shape these offerings.

Not a part of the beta group? No problem, you can access the free Swordplay Sampler Course here. We want to hear from you, so hop in and tell us what you think.

Devon & Greg

Welcome to Duello.TV!

Hello and welcome!

Greg and I are excited to have you here and on this journey with us. We are really passionate about European martial arts and the journey of mastery (I even did a TED talk on the subject). The goal of this site is to help support others on that same journey, and to help make it accessible, fulfilling, and fun.

Duello.TV is a pretty massive repository and the road of mastery can be a daunting one, so I wanted to take a few moments to help you get started right. Here’s how we think it’s best to approach the site:

Get Some Equipment

If you’re brand new to European Martial Arts the first thing you’ll need to do is either purchase some training equipment or fashion something for yourself. The simplest starting place is a four-foot long dowel with a ½” diameter. Mark off 6″ for a single-handed grip (rapier), and mark off 12″ for a double-handed grip (longsword).

You can get a Duello.TV wooden longsword starter kit from our partner Purpleheart Armoury. We hope to have steel longsword and rapier kits available soon.

Start With the Fundamentals

Whether you are a brand new practitioner or a pro, we recommend that you check out one of our fundamentals courses as a starting place:

Start with Rapier Fundamentals

Start with Longsword Fundamentals

These courses will help you establish a solid foundation in the body mechanics, postures, attacks, defences, strategy, and theory of these arts. Each unit includes a quiz and a short practice assignment. Go as fast or as slow as you want.

For those coming from other swordplay backgrounds, even Italian ones, I guarantee you will find lots of valuable insights and refinement. Fundamentals are the heart of any practice, and your training will bring you back to them over and over.

Set a Training Rhythm

Set aside regular time to forward your practice. Whether you decide to do one lesson per day (about 15 minutes) or to make two dedicated hour long practice sessions each week, regularity is more important than quantity. Set a schedule now and see if you can get a friend to be a part of it with you.

Read more about how to be successful in at home practice…

Read the Training Blog

Every week I put up an article about swordplay, mastery, learning, teaching, motivation, and many of the other subjects that interest me and I feel are valuable to students of the art. Here are a few I recommend as a starting place:

Three Things You Should be Saying to Your Students (or yourself!)

How To Keep an Effective Training Journal

Connect with Us

We are looking for ways to make Duello.TV more useful, motivational, and engaging. We genuinely want this to be a resource that helps you become a swordplay Master. Please connect with us and let us know what you feel will be the best way we can help you do that: web contact form, email, Facebook, or any comment box on the DTV site.

I’ll be in touch in a few days to check in. I hope you enjoy being a part of Duello.TV!

Devon & Greg

Upgraded Sidesword Fundamentals

Hello everyone!

We just finished a big boost to our Sidesword Fundamentals course. Now it includes new quizzes and practice notes added to each lesson group. This will help you make the most of the content by facilitating retention and guiding your practice. Additionally when you finish the series you can now print a certification of completion! Sidesword is finally getting the same love as our fundamentals courses for Longsword and Rapier, we hope you enjoy it.

Sidesword Fundamentals is a great primer for study, you’ll cover topics like:

  • posture and footwork
  • cutting lines and mechanics
  • guard names
  • buckler positions and their use with the sidesword
  • parries and counter-attacks

With our online instruction you can learn anytime, anywhere and on any device—desktop, tablet or phone. Start a course on your own time and progress through it in bite-sized bits. Revisit the site to easily pick up where you left off the last time you were on. Get started!

While you’re there, be sure to complete the Longsword Fundamentals or Rapier Fundamentals series to build a well-rounded foundation to your swordplay practice. Invest in yourself and in the enjoyment of your art!

Use the coupon, pay only $9/mo

Sign-up by going to

Register for the Scholar’s Club membership and enter the code: CORONA20MA

This coupon gives you $20 off the regular price of $29/mo—Subscription Club access is yours for only $9 per month! Hope to see you there. We’re here to support you, and appreciate your support at this time.


Devon & Greg