Summary Click: Starting Friday, Enrol for Free One Month Full Access Pass – more details below…
Hey everyone,
Devon here. I hope you’re enjoying your membership to Duello.TV! You’re one of over 1200 practitioners who has helped make this great online video project worthwhile for Greg and me.
Over the past 7 years we have expanded from a few class re-cap videos to a comprehensive collection of over 400 lessons that can take you from swordplay beginner to expert. We’ve received rave reviews from experts and novices alike and now have over 20 study groups and schools using our material to help develop their students.
This year we decided we really wanted to up the quality and usefulness of the subscriber side of Duello.TV even further. We have added dozens of new playlists on longsword, rapier, dagger, and sword & shield, and have created a new type of content: Courses.

Courses break learning down into easy to follow, progressive lessons. Now you can watch a 3-5 minute video, take the retention quiz, and follow the practice guide. It’s a much easier way for at-home practitioners, study groups, and schools to build their knowledge and ability, quickly.

Our Rapier Fundamentals and Longsword Fundamentals course series each have hours of lesson and practice content to help you up your game with these two excellent weapons. These courses:
- Break down the essentials of healthy and powerful body mechanics.
- Teach you how to create effective and responsive blade control.
- Give the foundation for strategic control of any opponent.
- Provide a theory and teaching structure that will help you expertly present these ideas to others.
After you complete the Fundamentals you can progress to our Apprentice level series that includes courses on Longsword Grappling, Rapier Strategy, and Unarmed.
Starting this Friday, for one week, we’re going to be offering a special deal to all of our members to check out the new Scholar’s Club and Master’s Club levels FREE for an entire month.
You’ll get access to:
- 8 new courses on Longsword and Rapier
- Our comprehensive library of over 400 lesson videos (more than 45 hours of teaching!)
- Swordplay solo exercises across 4 disciplines
- All of our training advice blog archives (Masters Club)
On Friday, October 28 at 10am Pacific time, visit our enrolment pages here:
1 Month Free Scholars Club
1 Month Free Masters Club
Or research and choose your membership from the enrolment options page and enter the following promo code: 1FREEMONTH
Join us! We think you’ll like what you see and we’re eager to get your feedback. We’ll never stop offering free stuff, but paying subscribers are what make it possible for us to develop the next stages of this great resource. We hope you’ll come on board and support us. Your subscription commitment is month-to-month, and you can cancel your subscription at any time. Remember, this great coupon deal expires at 11:59 pm on Friday, November 4.
I’ll send you a reminder on Friday. Feel free to share the promo with friends in your group or school.
Devon & Greg