Gioco Largo vs Stretto
Facing the Unorthodox Fighter
Longsword vs Two-Sword
How do you take on someone wielding two weapons with only one?
This seri…
Seven Provocations in Gioco Stretto
In this series students will explore how the seven provocations of stringere, changing guards, entering measure, earnest atta…
Gioco Largo Strategy
Gioco Largo with Sidesword & Longsword
Weapon Flow
Moving fluidly with a weapon is not just a showy skill, it’s a combat skill. Being able to flow with your weapon allows you…
Dagger In Armour and Out
The rondel dagger is a 9 to 12 inch steel spike designed to puncture through maille and even plate. Used both in armoured com…
Longsword in Armour
The longsword is a versatile weapon that can be used in one hand, two, or held with one hand at the blade in a mode known as …
Poleaxe: Extended and Narrow
The poleaxe is both a weapon of power and of dexterity. In this series you'll explore how to move between play where you're h…
Poleaxe: Foundations & Control
The poleaxe is a weapon of both power and agility. In this series you'll learn the fundamentals of attack and defense in both…
Deception both Wide and Narrow
Both the wide and narrow games (gioco largo and stretto) are ripe for misleading your opponent. In this course we'll first ex…
Longsword Flow & Deception
Being able to move with the momentum of your weapon is a core skill in creating deception in wide play (gioco largo). In this…
Longsword Gioco Largo
Wide play (gioco largo) is a mode of fighting defined by large cutting and clearing actions designed to dominate and displace…
Longsword Unorthodox Postures
In this class we explore the positions that live outside of the core quadrants. Starting first with the challenging but more …
Advanced Tempo Applications
In this series you'll explore how to spot and control the four moments when your opponent is most vulnerable:
Gioco Largo with Longsword
In this series you'll explore gioco largo, the wide play, with the sword in two hands. You'll begin with exploring accordant …
Approaching Giocco Stretto (Longsword Apprentice)
Forms Month (Longsword Apprentice)
Three Weapons Drilling
Specially formulated for this year's 30-for-30, the Three Weapons Drilling course is just that. In one hour we'll be handling…
Approaching Gioco Largo (Longsword Apprentice)
Refined Footwork with Longsword
The sword is an extension of your arm, the arm an extension of the body. In all weapon arts the goal is for you and it to mov…
Receiving Gioco Largo (Longsword Apprentice)
Grappling (Longsword Apprentice)
Receiving Giocco Stretto (Longsword Apprentice)
The inverse of last month. Now we are on the back foot with the opponent bearing down with their sword on line.
Always staying On Guard with Longsword
En Garde!
The Sword with two hands section of The Flower of Battle immediately greets readers with discussions&nb…
Approaching Giocco Stretto (Longsword Apprentice)
How to move towards an opponent that is presenting an immediate threat
Countering Posta Longa (Longsword Scholar)
In this series we'll explore how to counter and control an opponent who is trying to force gioco stretto (point on line fenci…
Flow is Key with Longsword, Part 2
When we're in the middle of a swordfight, it's very easy to lose track of what to do next. There is just not enough time to g…
Forms and Progressions (Longsword Apprentice)
Learning 12 guards of the longsword described by Fiore in his sword in two hands section (Getty manuscript)