Over 240 of our favourite drills

In pandemic times our at-home practices are more important than ever. Over the past several months we have been hard at work creating for you a whole new series of solo drills for rapier and longsword as part of our new Daily Drill. I’m proud to let you know we have now created and published more than 240 unique drills for longsword and rapier (not to mention sidesword as well)!

Many of these drills I (Devon) shot in my own living room and backyard, so they’re truly made with home practice in mind. I’ve been stuck at home, too!

All DTV Subscribers can access every single one of these drills at any time as part of your regular service just by going to the Training page and choosing your weapon of choice.

If you’re not a subscriber, sign-up! You can also join the FREE daily drill email list and receive one of these drills direct to your inbox everyday for free!

Here are a few of my favourite solo drills for Rapier and Longsword you should check out right now.



You deserve to take some time for yourself each day, sword in hand. We hope these drills can make each of those moments fun, interesting, and challenging.

Devon and Greg

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