
  • 9 Lessons

    Dagger with Rapier

    Positions & Transitions: We are expanding our attention to include a dagger in our offhand. These lessons look at the positions that the dagger takes in…
  • 9 Lessons

    Offhand & Dagger with Rapier

    Joined Defense: Whether you are using a bare offhand or are carrying a dagger, the sword and offhand work most effectively when they work together. In…
  • 8 Lessons

    Refused Posture with Rapier

    Fencing with the offside leading or lead-side “refused” can be an excellent way to remove the weapon from your opponent’s control, maximize your striking measure, and bring your offside defence or weapon to bear.

  • 8 Lessons

    Body Voids with Rapier

    Mechanics: A void is a movement used to “avoid” the sword of the opponent through displacement of your body. Our first lesson this month examines the…
  • 8 Lessons

    Deceptive Fight with Rapier

    Using our opponent's committment to a defense-first strategy, we can use false invitations (openings) and false attacks (feints) to draw them into what appears to be a good opportunity, but which has a ready counter on our part.

  • 4 Lessons

    True Fight Strategy with Rapier

    What strategic tools are most useful against a particular fighter or opponent? Against Approachers:  These two lessons explore strategies relevant to an opponent that is…
  • 4 Lessons

    True Fight Mechanics with Rapier

    Blade Control: To excel at the True Fight, one must be able to mechanically find, gain and stringer the opponent’s sword proficiently. To stringer the opponent’s…