Sidesword & Buckler in Wide Play (Sidesword Scholar)
Gioco Largo (wide play), where the sword actions are broad with the intent of clearing the centre or leading the opponent int…
Gioco Largo (wide play), where the sword actions are broad with the intent of clearing the centre or leading the opponent int…
Striking the fool that dare approach.
In this series you will explore a diversity of sidesword forms from the Bolognese tradition including those of sword and buck…
Specially formulated for this year's 30-for-30, the Three Weapons Drilling course is just that. In one hour we'll be handling…
This series will prime you on how to use two swords tactically with an aim to controlling your opponent's weapons with one of…
In this course we will learn the basic elements that make up an iconic Bolognese Assaulto.
The sword is an extension of your arm, the arm an extension of the body. In all weapon arts the goal is for you and it to mov…
Nearly every fight finds its way into the narrow play (gioco stretto) where the points are close and dangerous. Here your tem…
This month we look at how we can close the measure between us and our adversary by taking the fight to them. We are going to …
We are continuing along the same lines as last month, looking at rapier plays from old manuals and interpreting it within the…
Wielding two sideswords is a complex and rewarding challenge that looks like something out of a fantasy epic but is in fact a…
Of course, arm strength isn't just about your guns. It's about making a muscle chain that connects the sword with the core. S…
This month we are going to look at plays from different rapier masters and how we can use them within our system. While still…
The large arm-strap round shield, known as the rotella, was popular as a secondary for the sidesword throughout continental E…
The inverse of last month. Now we are on the back foot with the opponent bearing down with their sword on line.
En Garde!
The Sword with two hands section of The Flower of Battle immediately greets readers with discussions&nb…
It all begins at the guard. The way you stand dictates the way you move, how you move to measure, how you move in time. This …
Utilizing Dall’Agocchie’s second solo form we will revisit moving into and out of guard positions with efficiency and gra…
This month we will review the sidesword's fundamental techniques, focusing on the basic mechanics of the sword & buckler …
How to move towards an opponent that is presenting an immediate threat
In this series we'll explore how to counter and control an opponent who is trying to force gioco stretto (point on line fenci…
Italian fencing is often associated with linear movement. In this series we'll break that mold and look at how to use and cou…
In this series we'll explore how to counter and control an opponent who is trying to force gioco stretto (point on line fenci…