Longsword vs. Sword & Buckler (COM-311)
The longsword sword and buckler are two beautiful disciplines that each have a lot to share with one another. In this course …
The longsword sword and buckler are two beautiful disciplines that each have a lot to share with one another. In this course …
Master Position. The Master Position gives us a basis to engage with our opponent by controlling their arms …
Wards: We start with the high and low positions of the staff along with their basic defences and counte…
True Fight: Here we look at methods to take control of the weapon and exploit mechanical weaknesses of the h…
Positions & Transitions: In these first lessons of working with two swords we will explore use of b…
Accompanying Buckler Positions: We look at how to use the small shield we often use with the shorter si…
Larga Guard: We start by looking at starting positions where the sword is held low with the point directed …
Primo Tempo: Primo tempo is the opportunity to strike the opponent in one tempo while they move forward or …
We’re picking up the longsword to explore giocco stretto or the "narrow play", a combative context where the opponent’s w…
Posta finestra (window guard) makes use of the sword's point to quickly move forward and close off the centreline.
We will be working through all of the primary poste of the longsword looking at both how to employ their most direct actions …
Rising & Lateral: We are continuing to explore defenses from various quadrants against lines of att…
Crossings: The sword in two hands is a powerful tool for cutting and defending against cuts. In these c…
The Seventh Master<…
The Fourth Master position defends against a downward vertical attack with two hands grabbing the weapon arm…
Dagger Attacks introduces you to the medieval dagger and describes the grips and attacking lines on which th…
Attacks & Defenses: We study the eight attacks of the poleaxe and put them together in a solo practice s…